M. Kato et al., A comparison of the prognostic significance between the number of metastatic lymph nodes and nodal stage in gastric carcinoma, HEP-GASTRO, 46(30), 1999, pp. 3281-3286
BACKGROUND/AIMS: To clarify what staging system of lymph node metastasis is
suitable for evaluating prognosis of gastric cancer patients.
METHODOLOGY: We analyzed the survival 5 years after operation of 186 advanc
ed gastric cancer patients who underwent potentially curative gastric resec
tion. The following 3 systems were compared using multivariate analyses by
the logistic regression model. Nodal status in pathology was classified as
follows: (a) nodal stage according to the General Rules for the Gastric Can
cer Study of the Japanese Research Society for Gastric Cancer (the Japanese
Rules), (b) number of metastatic nodes according to the new UICC staging s
ystem (the TNM system), (c) number of metastatic nodes in nl group of the J
apanese. Rules (the new classification).
RESULTS: The TNM system revealed better results than the nodal stage in sen
sitivity and -2 log likelihood. The new classification revealed the best re
sult among the 3 systems in sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and -2 log l
CONCLUSIONS: The TNM system is a better prognostic factor than the nodal st
age in the Japanese Rules, and the new classification is the best prognosti
c factor of the above 3 systems in potentially curative advanced gastric ca
ncer patients. Furthermore, the new classification might be useful in compa
ring data between some facilities.