The skill of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model in predicting ENSO has r
ecently been improved using a new initialization procedure in which in
itial conditions are obtained from the coupled model, nudged toward ob
servations of wind stress. The previous procedure involved direct inse
rtion of wind stress observations, ignoring model feedback from ocean
to atmosphere. The success of the new scheme is attributed to its expl
icit consideration of ocean-atmosphere coupling and the associated red
uction of ''initialization shock'' and random noise. The so-called spr
ing predictability barrier is eliminated, suggesting that such a barri
er is not intrinsic to the real climate system. Initial attempts to ge
neralize the nudging procedure to include SST were nor successful; pos
sible explanations are offered. In all experiments forecast skill is f
ound to be much higher for the 1980s than for the 1970s and 1990s, sug
gesting decadal variations in predictability.