We propose a novel hybrid aggressive space-mapping (HASM) optimization algo
rithm. HASM exploits both the trust-region aggressive space-mapping (TRASM)
strategy and direct optimization, Severe differences between the coarse an
d fine models and nonuniqueness of the parameter extraction procedure may c
ause the TRASM algorithm to be trapped in local minima. The HASM algorithm
is based on a novel lemma that enables smooth switching from the TRASM opti
mization to direct optimization if the TRASM algorithm is not converging, I
t also enables switching back from direct optimization to the TRASM algorit
hm in a smooth may, The uniqueness of the extraction step is improved by ut
ilizing a good starting point, The algorithm does not assume that the final
space-mapped design is the true optimal design and is robust against sever
e misalignment between the coarse and fine models, The examples include a s
even-section waveguide transformer, the design of an H-plane waveguide filt
er, and a double-folded stub filter.