This article is a brief review of the prime methods and an outline of some
of the services and research in UK industry concerning Condition Management
. Members of the COMADIT Group, the Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Tec
hnology committee of BINDT, have made contributions based on their specific
areas of interest inter alia. It is a timely review, as the last publicati
on for the close of the 20(th) century and we hope it will set the scene fo
r the next millennium. The topics covered are not intended to be exhaustive
and any key omissions are regretted; these are as follows:
1. Condition Management
2. Vibration
4. Acoustic Emission
5. Thermography
6. Oil Debris Analysis & Services
7. Corrosion Monitoring
8. Education, R&D,Projects
9. Training & Certification
10. Organisations, Publications & Conferences.