The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that cerebrovascular reserv
e capacity and cerebrovascular reactivity are impaired in patients sufferin
g from non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. We also intended to investi
gate factors which may influence resting cerebral blood flow velocity and c
erebrovascular reserve capacity. A total of 28 patients suffering from type
II diabetes mellitus and 20 healthy control subjects were studied. Based o
n diabetes duration patients were divided into two groups: subjects with >
10 years and those with less than or equal to 10 years disease duration. Mi
ddle cerebral artery mean blood flow velocities were measured at rest and a
fter intravenous administration of 1g acetazolamide. Cerebrovascular reacti
vity and reserve capacity were calculated. Blood glucose, insulin, glycosyl
ated hemoglobin, hemostatic factors (fibrinogen, alpha-2 macroglobulin and
von Willebrand factor antigen) were determined. Cerebrovascular reactivity
and reserve capacity values were compared between the two diabetic subgroup
s and controls. Correlations between laboratory parameters and cerebrovascu
lar reserve were investigated by linear regression analysis. Resting cerebr
al blood flow velocity was similar in controls and in the two diabetic subg
roups. Cerebrovascular reactivity was elevated for a shorter time in patien
ts with > 10 years disease duration than in controls and shortterm diabetic
patients. Cerebrovascular reserve capacity was lower in the long-term diab
etes group (means +/- SD: 39.6 +/- 20.7%) than in patients with less than o
r equal to 10 years disease duration (63.3 +/- 17.4%, p < 0.02 after Bonfer
roni correction). Cerebrovascular reserve capacity was inversely related to
the duration of the disease (R = 0.53, p < 0.003). None of the determined
laboratory factors had any relation with resting cerebral blood flow and ce
rebrovascular reserve capacity. The vasodilatory ability of cerebral arteri
oles is diminished in long-standing type II diabetes mellitus. (Journal of
Diabetes and Its Complications 13;4:191-199, 1999.) (C) 1999 Elsevier Scien
ce Inc.