The buckling of compressively prestressed square membranes with built-in ed
ges is investigated experimentally and analyzed theoretically. The buckling
depends weakly on Poisson's ratio and essentially is a function of the red
uced prestrain, <(epsilon)over bar>(0) = epsilon(0)a(2)/h(2) where epsilon(
0) is the physical prestrain, a is the width, and h is the thickness of the
membrane. As <(epsilon)over bar>(0) becomes increasingly negative, the mem
brane undergoes two symmetry breaking buckling transitions.' Beyond the fir
st transition occurring at <(epsilon)over bar>(cr1), the buckling profile h
as all the reflection and rotation symmetries of a square. The reflection s
ymmetries are lost through a second instability transition at <(epsilon)ove
r bar>(cr3). The bifurcation points, <(epsilon)over bar>(cr1) and <(epsilon
)over bar>(cr2). and-buckling profiles were calculated using analytical ene
rgy minimization and nonlinear finite-element simulation. Both methods:agre
e. The buckling of micromachined plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
silicon nitride membranes on a silicon wafer is interpreted in terms of the
theoretical results. Good matching between measured and calculated bucklin
g profiles is found. The extracted strain values are consistent irrespectiv
e of the size and buckling mode of the membranes. From the average strain a
cross:the wafer epsilon(0) = -3.50 x 10(-4) and complementary wafer curvatu
re measurements, a Young's modulus of 130 GPa is deduced. Methods for the s
traightforward extraction of epsilon(0) from experimental center deflection
s of buckled square membranes are described. [443].