The transient current response of molecularly doped polymers have been nume
rically modelled under space-charge-limited (SCL) conditions for the situat
ion in which a step potential is applied to an ideal injecting contact. Und
er trap-free conditions, the transient SCL current pulse shape is found to
be sensitive not only to the underlying field dependence of the injected ca
rrier mobilities and diffusivities, but also to the magnitude of the applie
d step potential. A progressive reduction in the ratio of the peak current
density j(p) to the final steady-stale magnitude j(ss) is obtained by incre
asing either the field strength of the mobility or the relative amount of d
iffusion. It is demonstrated, however, that for times preceding the locatio
n t(p) of the current peak, the rate of current increase displays a gradual
transition from a super-linear to linear time dependence upon the introduc
tion of diffusion. The diminishing observability of j(p)/j(ss) is accompani
ed by a shift in the position of t(p) relative to the space-charge-free car
rier transit time t(0). The classical fixed-mobility value t(p)/t(0) = 0.78
6 is modestly reduced as the field strength of the mobility or amount of ca
rrier diffusion is enhanced. The numerical predictions are compared with ex
perimental SCL current transients obtained from hydrazone doped polyester s
amples fitted with gold contacts.