Viral: fusion protein trimers can play a critical role in. limiting lipids
in membrane fusion. Because the trimeric oligomer of many viral fusion prot
eins is often stabilized by hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeats, higher-order ol
igomers might be stabilized by similar sequences. There is a hydrophobic;4-
3 heptad repeat contiguous to a putative oligomerization domain of Autograp
ha californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus envelope glycoprotein GP64.
We performed mutagenesis and peptide inhibition studies to determine if th
is sequence might play a role in catalysis of membrane fusion. First, leuci
ne-to-alanine mutants within and flanking the amino terminus of the hydroph
obic 4-3 heptad repeat motif that oligomerize into trimers and traffic to i
nsect Sf9 cell surfaces were identified. These mutants retained their wild-
type conformation at neutral pH and changed conformation in acidic conditio
ns, as judged by the reactivity of a conformationally sensitive mAb. These
mutants, however, were defective for membrane fusion. Second, a peptide enc
oding the portion flanking the GP64 hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeat was synth
esized. Adding peptide led to inhibition of membrane fusion, which occurred
only when the peptide was present during low pH application. The presence
of peptide during low pH application did not prevent low pH-induced conform
ational changes, as determined by the loss of-a conformationally sensitive
epitope. In control experiments, a peptide of identical composition but dif
ferent sequence, or a peptide encoding a portion of the Ebola GP heptad mot
if,had no effect on GP64-mediated fusion. Furthermore, when the hemagglutin
in (X31 strain) fusion protein of influenza was functionally expressed in S
f9 cells, no effect on hemagglutinin-mediated fusion was observed, suggesti
ng that the: peptide does not exert nonspecific effects on other fusion pro
teins or cell membranes. Collectively, these studies suggest that the speci
fic peptide sequences of GP64 that are adjacent to and: include portions of
the hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeat play a dynamic role in membrane fusion a
t a stage that is downstream of the initiation of protein conformational ch
anges but upstream of lipid mixing.