Paul's pre-Christian zealot associations: A re-examination of Galatians-I,14 and Acts-XXII,3 (Jewish extremist influences in the formation of Paulineepistolary proclamations)
Mr. Fairchild, Paul's pre-Christian zealot associations: A re-examination of Galatians-I,14 and Acts-XXII,3 (Jewish extremist influences in the formation of Paulineepistolary proclamations), NEW TEST ST, 45(4), 1999, pp. 514-532
The article explores Galatians 1:14 and Acts 22:3, two statements where Pau
l is said to be a "Zelotes". The term is a noun, meaning "Zealot". However,
interpreters and commentators have always interpreted the term as an adjec
tive, meaning "zealous". By understanding Paul's statement as an adjective,
interpreters and commentators have dissociated Paul from the Zealot moveme
nt which was emerging during this period of time within Judaism. However, P
aul appears in these passages to claim that the Zealot movement was a power
ful influence upon his formative Jewish life and theology was a motivating
factor in his persecution of the Christians. This article proposes that we
seriously consider Zealot influences in the formative years of Paul.