Human serum paraoxonase (PON1) is associated with high density lipoprotein
(HDL) particles. This enzyme is involved in the metabolism of oxidized lipi
ds and also plays a major role in the metabolism and detoxication of insect
icides processed through the cytochrome P450/PON1 pathway. An Arg/Gln (R/Q)
substitution at position 192 determines a substrate dependent activity pol
ymorphism, In addition to the effect of the amino acid substitution on rate
s of hydrolysis of different substrates, there is a large interindividual v
ariability in the amount of PON1 protein in sera that is stable over time,
Recently, a number of reports based solely on PON1 genotyping have suggeste
d that in some populations, the PON1(R192) allele may be a risk factor for
coronary artery disease. Another report notes an increased risk of the PON1
(R192) allele for Parkinson's disease. We report here the development of a
two-dimensional, microtitre plate reader-based enzyme analysis that provide
s a high-throughput assessment of PON1 status. population distribution plot
s of diazoxonase Versus paraoxonase activities provides PON1 phenotype and
an accurate inference of PON1 genotype. Both are important parameters for d
etermining an individual's PON1 status, The analysis also provides PON1 all
ele frequencies for specific populations, Pharmacogenetics 9:745-753 (C) 19
99 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.