A method for determining the orientation of individual bonds within co
mplex macromolecules from polarized IR measurements on oriented single
crystals is described. At present, X-ray diffraction is the principal
technique used to define the global structure and orientation of macr
omolecules in the crystalline state. However, resolution limitations a
nd conformational disorder limit the accuracy of the resulting structu
ral model. A quantitative understanding of protein function often requ
ires a more precise description of structural features at a localized
active site. Polarized IR measurements of internal stretching bands of
N-3(-), CN-, OCN-, and SCN- bound at the ferric heme iron of single c
rystals of myoglobin are presented, A synthesis of such measurements o
n different crystal forms leads to an Ng orientation consistent with I
R measurements on both P2(1), and P2(1)2(1)2(1) crystals, but signific
antly different from the orientation reported in X-ray crystal structu
res. Subtle structural changes between these tyro crystal forms of the
CN- complex may account for small differences in the stretching frequ
ency and orientation of the C-N bond.