Seventy-five patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting were rando
mized to receive injections of papaverine solution or isotonic saline or no
injection into the left internal mammary artery (LIMA) used as graft. Bloo
d flow in the LIMA was measured twice-after dissection of the pedicle and b
efore anastomosis to the coronary artery. Blood flow increased significantl
y in all three groups, but after papaverine injection it was twice as high
as in the control groups, increasing by 285% (from 40 +/- 12 to 154 +/- 32
ml/min, p = < 0.0001). The pH of the papaverine solution was only 3, and we
advise that surgeons check and correct pH in the papaverine solutions they
use, in order to avoid endothelial damage to the LIMA. Based on these resu
lts we can recommend papaverine injection into the arterial graft only if t
he initial flow is low.