The (implicit) midpoint scheme, like higher-order Gauss-collocation schemes
, is algebraically stable and symplectic, and it preserves quadratic integr
al invariants. It may appear particularly suitable for the numerical soluti
on of highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems, such as those arising in mole
cular dynamics or structural mechanics, because there is no stability restr
iction when it is applied to a simple harmonic oscillator. Although it is w
ell known that the midpoint scheme may also exhibit instabilities in variou
s stiff situations, one might still hope for good results when resonance-ty
pe instabilities are avoided.
In this paper we investigate the suitability of the midpoint scheme for hig
hly oscillatory, frictionless mechanical systems, where the step size k is
much larger than the system's small parameter epsilon, in the case that the
solution remains bounded as epsilon --> 0. We show that in general one mus
t require that k(2)/epsilon be small enough or else even the errors in slow
ly varying quantities like the energy may grow undesirably (especially when
fast and slow modes are tightly coupled) or, worse, the computation may yi
eld misleading information. In some cases this may already happen when k =
O(epsilon). The same holds for higher-order collocation at Gaussian points.
The encountered restrictions on k are typically still better than the corr
esponding ones for explicit schemes.