Paclitaxel and docetaxel have emerged in the last two decades as effective
antitumor agents in a variety of malignancies. Paclitaxel is a semisyntheti
c taxane isolated from bark of the Pacific yew tree. Docetaxel is a semisyn
thetic taxane derived from the needles of the European yew (Taxus baccata).
These compounds bind to tubulin, leading to microtubule stabilization, mit
otic arrest and, subsequently, cell death. Plasma clearance of paclitaxel e
xhibits nonlinear kinetics, which results in a disproportionate change in p
lasma concentration and area under the curve (AUC) with dose alterations. I
n contrast, docetaxel has a linear disposition over the dose ranges used cl
inically, so its concentration changes linearly with changes in the dosage.
Premedicating with corticosteroids and histamine H-1 and H-2 receptor anta
gonists is advocated prior to paclitaxel administration; prior to docetaxel
administration, premedication with corticosteroids is suggested. The taxan
es are metabolized in the liver by the cytochrome P-450 enzymes and are eli
minated in the bile. The known metabolites are either inactive or less pote
nt than the parent compounds. The toxic effects associated with paclitaxel
therapy are mainly neutropenia, peripheral neuropathy, and, rarely, cardiot
oxicity. Docetaxel toxicity produces mainly myelosuppression and a cumulati
ve dose fluid retention syndrome. Paclitaxel demonstrates sequence-dependen
t interactions with cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin. Docetaxel
has shown increased myelosuppression with preceding ifosfamide in a prelim
inary study. The future holds increasing, indications for taxanes in newer
combination regimens; consideration of their pharmacologic characteristics
is an important aspect of designing and applying new taxane-based treatment
regimens. (C) 1999, Elsevier Science Inc.