Comparisons of processed and coregistered digital mosaics of LANDSAT MSS an
d TM scenes, acquired over the Nile Delta in 1972, 1984, and 1990, indicate
that urban growth is endangering Egypt's agricultural productivity. Urban
areas occupied a minimum of 3.6%, 4.7%, and 5.7% of the Nile Delta in 1972,
1984, and 1990, respectively, an increase of 58% in 18 years. Approximatel
y half of this increase occurred between 1984 and 1990. If this trend conti
nues, Egypt could lose 12% of its total agricultural area to urbanization b
y 2010. Despite the fact that growth is pronounced around the cities, it is
the growth around the thousands of small villages that poses the largest t
hreat to the agricultural productivity of the Nile Delta. The cumulative gr
owth rate for the cities and large villages between 1972 acid 1990 is 37%,
and that for the small villages is 77% for the same time period.