Dramatic changes in recent years in the audit market suggest the timeliness
of an investigation of trends in auditor concentration and an extension of
prior research (e.g., Danos and Eichenseher 1982). In recent press, large
audit firms have claimed that specialization is a goat of increasing import
ance. Feat Marwick, for example, has restructured along industry lines, cla
iming to be recruiting professionals for national teams of multidisciplinar
y experts organized to "focus on the same industry to serve clients optimal
ly." On the other hand, litigation concerns might prompt auditors to divers
ify their risks by diversifying their clientele.
In this study, we examine trends in industry specialization from 1976 to 19
93 and the industry factors which may affect specialization; whether market
share increases are greater for audit firms classified as specialists; and
whether the nation's largest audit firms have increased their market share
in the industries which they have identified as their focus industries. We
find evidence that concentration levels have increased over this period, c
onsistent with the claims of the large audit firms. We find that auditor co
ncentration levels are higher in regulated industries, in more concentrated
industries and in industries experiencing rapid growth, but lower in indus
tries with a high risk of litigation. Levels of concentration have increase
d over time in nonregulated industries providing evidence that scale econom
ies or superior efficiencies of heavy-involvement auditors are not limited
to regulated industries but extend to nonregulated industries as well. We a
lso find that for the audit firms classified as market leaders at the begin
ning of the year, market share has increased over time, whereas market shar
e has declined for firms with a smaller share at the beginning of the year.
This suggests that there are returns to investing in specialization.