Objectives: To investigate risk factors for death from asthma using a case-
control study design with two control groups.
Methods: Cases (n=42) comprised subjects aged 10-59 years who died from ast
hma. Two control groups were selected: a random sample of asthmatics from t
he community (n=132) and age and sex matched patients recently admitted to
hospital for asthma (n=89). We obtained information from proxies of cases a
nd controls, and their general practitioners, by a structured telephone sur
vey. Matched and unmatched logistic regression analyses were used to determ
ine odds ratios for risk factors for asthma deaths.
Results: Compared to community controls, important risk factors for asthma
deaths included indicators of asthma severity, use of three or more groups
of asthma medications, more extensive use of health services for asthma, po
or compliance with asthma medications and regularly missing hospital and ge
neral practitioner appointments for asthma. Compared to hospital controls,
risk factors for asthma deaths were previous visits to emergency department
for asthma, knowledge about asthma medications and regularly missing gener
al practitioner appointments.
Conclusions: In this study, severity of asthma, increased health service ut
ilisation and suboptimal asthma selfmanagement were associated with increas
ed risks for asthma death.
Implications: People with severe asthma or poorly controlled asthma have a
greater risk of dying from their asthma. Both clinicians and non-clinicians
managing asthma should regularly assess the appropriateness of management
to prevent deaths.