Mitochondrial F-o. F-1-H+-ATP synthase is the main enzyme responsible for t
he formation of ATP in aerobic cells. An alternating binding change mechani
sm is now generally accepted for the operation of the enzyme. This mechanis
m apparently leaves no room for the participation of nucleotides and P-i ot
her than sequential binding to (release from) the catalytic sites. However,
the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis by mitochondrial ATPase is very complex, an
d it is difficult to explain it in terms of the alternating binding change
mechanism only. F-o. F-1 catalyzes both <Delta(mu)over bar>(H+)-dependent A
TP synthesis and ATP-dependent <Delta(mu)over bar>(H+) generation. It is ge
nerally believed that this enzyme operates as the smallest molecular electr
omechanochemical reversible machine. This essay summarizes data which contr
adict this simple reversible mechanism and discusses a hypothesis in which
different pathways are followed for ATP hydrolysis and ATP synthesis, A mod
el for a reversible switch mechanism between ATP hydrolase and ATP synthase
states of F-o. F-1 is proposed.