We have found that the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family protein, Bcl-w, was freq
uently expressed in colorectal adenocarcinomas, with 69/75 showing positive
staining with anti-Bcl-w IgG. Adenomas demonstrated a much lower frequency
of Bcl-w expression (only 1 of 17), as did adenocarcinomas from other epit
helial tissues such as breast (0/8), stomach (1/12) and cervix (0/12), Bcl-
w status could be related to the histopathological classification of the tu
mours, with TNM stage III tumours showing significantly higher levels of ex
pression than tumours of better prognostic grade (at P = 0.009). Those pati
ents with node involvement also had tumours with significantly elevated lev
els of Bcl-w (at P = 0.02), compared to those which were node-negative. The
results suggest that Bcl-w could play a general role in the progression fr
om adenoma to adenocarcinoma in the colorectal epithelium. Currently, more
data are being collected to allow us to assess the importance of Bcl-w for
disease progression and patient survival. (C) 2000 Cancer Research Campaign