Granite formation is the culmination of a sequence of events initiated by p
rograde heating of the protolith and followed by formation of a grain-bound
ary melt, melt segregation into a vein network, ascent of the melt through
the network and, finally, crystallisation of the melt. Experimental constra
ints on the formation of a crustal melt from the incongruent melting of mus
covite combined with geochemical studies of anatexis in the High Himalaya a
llow the timescales required for each of these processes to be assessed. Di
scordant temperatures determined from monazite and zircon thermometry for H
imalayan anatectic granites indicate that at least for some intrusives the
melt was undersaturated in LREE implying that melts have probably been extr
acted in less than 10 ka. Experimental studies suggest that some Himalayan
melts are also undersaturated in Zr, implying segregation may have occurred
within 100 years. Such short timescales confirm that deformation-driven me
chanisms are important in extracting these melts from their source. The tra
nsport distances of Himalayan granitic melts of similar to 10 km may be ach
ieved by the ascent of magma through dykes in about I day. At such rates ev
en the largest granite could theoretically be emplaced in similar to 10 yea
rs. Crystallisation of Himalayan melts involves much longer periods. If emp
laced as thin sheets (similar to 100 m wide) a timescale of > 500 years is
required compared with > 30 ka for single stage intrusion of the larger lac
coliths. For composite sheet complexes magma crystallisation, rather than m
elt ascent, comprises the rate-determining step on the emplacement of the i
ntrusion. The overall timescales of melt segregation and emplacement for ma
ny orogenic granites are therefore less than 10 ka, and possibly less than
1 ka. In contrast, the timescale required for prograde heating of the proto
lith is much greater than I Ma. Since the melt production rate is determine
d by heat flow into the protolith, and not by reaction kinetics (for any ge
ologically significant period) we conclude that heat flow, determined by bo
th the mechanism of heating and the thermal diffusivities of crustal rocks,
provides the overall rate-determining step of crustal anatexis. (C) 2000 E
lsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.