In this paper me discuss the design of a cellular neural network (CNN) to s
olve a class of optimization problems of importance for communication netwo
rks. The CNN optimization capabilities are exploited to implement an effici
ent cell scheduling algorithm in a fast packet switching fabric. The neural
-based switching fabric maximizes the cell throughput and, at the same time
, it is able to meet a variety of quality of service (QoS) requirements by
optimizing a suitable function of the switching delay and priority of the c
ells. We also show that the CNN approach has advantages with respect to tha
t based on Hopfield neural networks (HNN's) to solve the considered class o
f optimization problems. In particular, we exploit existing techniques to d
esign CNN's with a prescribed set of stable binary equilibrium points as a
basic tool to suppress spurious responses and, hence to optimize the neural
switching fabric performance.