Treatment of patients with patent Wuchereria bancrofti infection results in
an acute clinical reaction and peripheral eosinophilia. To investigate the
dynamics of the eosinophil response, changes in eosinophil activation and
degranulation and plasma levels of eosinophil-active chemokines and cytokin
es were studied in 15 microfilaremic individuals in south India by sequenti
al blood sampling before and after administration of 300 mg of diethylcarba
mazine (DEC). Clinical symptoms occurred within 24 h. Plasma interleukin-5
(IL-5) and RANTES levels peaked 1 to 2 days posttreatment, preceding a peak
peripheral eosinophil count at day 4. Major basic protein secretion from e
osinophils paralleled IL-5 secretion, while levels of eosinophil-derived ne
urotoxin peaked at day 13 after treatment. Expression of the activation mar
kers HLA-DR and CD25 on eosinophils rose markedly immediately after treatme
nt, while expression of VLA-4 and alpha 4 beta 7 showed an early peak withi
n 24 h and a second peak at day 13. Thus, the posttreatment reactions seen
in filarial infections can be divided into an early phase with killing of m
icrofilariae, clinical symptomatology, increases in plasma IL-5 and RANTES
levels, and eosinophil activation and degranulation and a later phase with
expression of surface integrins on eosinophils, recruitment of eosinophils
from the bone marrow to tissues, and clearance of parasite antigen.