A fluid model of magnetospheric convection appropriate for the inner magnet
osphere, including the effects of heat flux in collisionless plasma, is pre
sented. The plasma is assumed to be isotropic, with the flow speed much les
s than the thermal speed, and parallel electric fields and loss cone effect
s are neglected; the effects of slow time variations of the magnetic field
are included. The classical transport coefficients are considered and, exce
pt for the collisionless heat flux, shown to be negligible in plasma in the
inner magnetosphere. Beginning with three-dimensional two-fluid equations,
we derive two-dimensional equations for transport of mass and energy mappe
d to the magnetospheric equator. The equation of mass transport, derived fr
om the mass conservation equations, is equivalent to those obtained in prev
ious studies [e.g., Peymirat and Fontaine, 1994]. The equation of energy tr
ansport contains the effects of collisionless heat conduction that represen
ts the transport of energy in the rest frame of the species and has hithert
o been neglected in magnetospheric fluid and MHD models. The energy transpo
rt equation is shown to be equivalent to that of Peymirat and Fontaine [199
4] if the heat flux is neglected. The two equations are coupled first-order
partial differential equations; they can be uncoupled by taking linear com
binations. The uncoupled equations show that the effect of the collisionles
s heat flux is to spread information across the fluid drift paths in a mann
er quite different from that of fluid flow neglecting heat flux.