Ultraviolet adiation is an important cause of melanoma, so the use of sunsc
reen lotions has been advocated for melanoma prevention, Several arguments
have been raised in opposition to this inference, Sunscreen use may interfe
re with cutaneous vitamin D synthesis, which some have hypothesized may low
er melanoma risk. Sunscreen users may compensate for their sunscreen use by
staying out much longer in the sun, or may use sunscreen lotions inconsist
antly. Published melanoma case-control studies have not consistantly demons
trated a protective effect of sunscreens; however, these studies do not pro
vide strong evidence, ultraviolet radiation is a known cause of melanoma, a
nd ultraviolet B may be particularly potent, so on balance the evidence sup
ports continued advocacy of sunscreen lotion use as part of an overall sun-
protection regimen. Uncertainty will remain, however, until the action spec
trum of melanoma is convincingly demonstrated or the methodologic limitatio
ns of existing epidemiologic evidence are overcome. The latter may require
another decade or more of experience with sunscreen use.