Uniform thin films are needed for the exploration and exploitation of the f
ascinating optical and electronic properties of the phthalocyanine (Pc) mac
rocycle. Spin-coating has been demonstrated to be a simple, fast and reprod
ucible method of fabricating uniform films. However, solubility in a volati
le organic solvent is a prerequisite for this technique and previous studie
s have shown that groups placed on the Pc macrocycle can have a profound ef
fect on the nanoscale structure of the resulting film. In this paper we att
empt to establish some fundamental structure-property relationships which d
etermine the molecular packing within such films. Previous studies are revi
ewed and the film forming properties of a number of Pc derivatives are exam
ined. In particular, the formation of films in which the Pc cores are isola
ted from each other by the use of novel, sterically crowded hexadeca-substi
tuted Pcs is examined.