Pattern-placement metrology plays a critical role in nanofabrication. Not f
ar in the future, metrology standards approaching 0.2 nm in accuracy will b
e required to facilitate the production of 25 nm semiconductor devices. The
y will also be needed to support the manufacturing of high-density waveleng
th-division-multiplexed integrated optoelectronic devices. We are developin
g anew approach to metrology in the sub-100 nm domain that is based on usin
g phase-coherent fiducial gratings and grids patterned by interference lith
ography. This approach is complementary to the traditional mark-detection,
or "market plot" pattern-placement metrology. In this article we explore th
e limitations of laser-interferometer-based mark-detection metrology, and c
ontrast this with ways that fiducial grids could be used to solve a variety
of metrology problems. These include measuring process-induced distortions
in substrates; measuring patterning distortions in pattern-mastering syste
ms, such as laser and e-beam writers; arid measuring field distortions and
alignment errors in steppers and scanners. We describe a proposed standard
for pattern-placement metrology, which includes both a fiducial grid and ma
rket-type marks; Finally, a number of methods through which phase-coherent
periodic structures can be patterned are shown, including "traditional" int
erference lithography, achromatic interference lithography, near-field inte
rference lithography, and scanning-beam interference lithography. (C) 1999
American Vacuum Society. [S0734-211X(99)11806-7].