The clinical signs, ECG and sonographic findings were investigated in a ret
rospective study with altogether 98 hyperthyroid cats of the years of 1974-
1998. The findings were only used as statistical data when clearly mentione
d in the case records. The following signs were mentioned most frequently i
n the history: polyphagia (72%), weight loss (71%), polydipsia (55%), vomit
ing (53%), diarrhea (50%), dull haircoat and excitement teach (45%), dyspne
a (40%), polyuria (37%), hyperactivity as well as general weakness teach (3
4%). The clinical examination revealed sonographically enlarged thyroid gla
nds in 100% of the 21 examined cases, followed by palpably enlarged thyroid
lobes on one or both sides (84%), tachycardia > 200/min (78%), and hypertr
ophic cardiomyopathy (50%), investigated by echocardiography. In 26 cats an
ECG examination was performed. A hyper-voltage of the R-wave was observed
in 38%, an increased P-wave or a ST-segment elevation in 19% of the cases.
In two cases pathologic arrhythmias could be diagnosed as AV-block II and i
ll, respectively. A hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was found in one half of th
e cases, but just one case developed a congestive heart failure. 53% had a
systolic heart murmur or a gallop rhythm. The volumes of the thyroid lobes
were sonographicaliy calculated by the formula pi/6 x length x width x heig
ht. The enlarged thyroid lobes were egg shaped differing distinctly from th
e spindle-like shape of the healthy organ. Of the laboratory results, serum
alkaline phosphatase was - after serum-thyroxine - most frequently increas
ed followed by ALT, total leukocyte number, and urea, A simultaneous increa
se of serum creatinine was seen just in 4 of 84 examined cats (5 %) which h
ad a kidney insufficiency besides the hyperthyroidism.