Recent studies on Corallinales of Malvinas Islands concluded that crus
tose calcareous algae are more abundant than geniculate ones. Hydrolit
hon represents 53% of the specimens with four species (H. consociatum,
H. discoideum, H. falklandicum, H. subantarcticum); Pseudolithophyllu
m 21,8% with one taxon (P. fuegianum); Synarthrophyton 12,3% with two
species (S. neglectum, S. patena); Clathromorphum (5,8% with three spe
cies (CI. lemoineanum, CI. annulatum, Cl. variabile comb, nov.); Mesop
hyllum 4,9% with one species (M. fuegianum); Bossiella 1,1% with one t
axon (B. orbigniana ssp. orbigniana); Corallina 1,1% with two species
(C. officinalis, C. elongata). These taxa present a characteristic ver
tical distribution in both intertidal and subtidal.