Objective. Predictive efforts using individual factors or scoring syst
ems do not adequately identify all intact survivors, and therefore all
drowning victims are aggressively resuscitated in most emergency depa
rtments. More reliable outcome prediction is needed to guide early tre
atment decisions. Methods. The charts of 274 near drowning patients ad
mitted to Loma Linda University Children's Hospital were retrospective
ly reviewed. Patient outcome was categorized into good (near normal fu
nction), and poor (vegetative or dead) categories. Discriminant analys
is was used to identify combinations of variables most able to predict
outcome and a clinical classification system was constructed. The acu
te care hospital costs for each group were compared. Results. Discrimi
nant analysis classification achieved 95% accuracy, predicting death i
n 6 intact survivors. No combination of variables could accurately sep
arate all intact survivors from the vegetative and dead groups. The cl
inical classification method achieved 93% overall accuracy, predicting
death in 5 intact survivors. Of patients predicted to have a poor out
come, 5 (6.3%) survived intact. Children may experience an unpredictab
le, prolonged vegetative state followed by full recovery. Vegetative p
atients are the most expensive to care for (consuming 53% of total cos
ts) while intact survivors are the least expensive. The majority of co
sts were spent on patients with poor outcome. Conclusions. Individual
outcome cannot be reliably predicted in the emergency department; ther
efore, aggressive resuscitation of near drowning victims should be per
formed. Decisions to subsequently withdraw life support should be made
based on integration of likelihood of survival, high (but not absolut
e) certainty, and parental/societal issues. The vegetative patients ar
e the most expensive to care for, while intact survivors are least exp
ensive. Reduction of expenditures on patients likely to have vegetativ
e or dead outcome would result in substantial savings, but loss of nor
mal survivors.