Detailed measurements of both the Nernst coefficient, N-e, and the current
vs. voltage characteristics were carried out in a YBCO film by varying syst
ematically the nux density, B, and the temperature, T. The Nernst coefficie
nt was observed over the temperature region of a fairly wide superconductin
g vs. normal resistive transition under the applied flux density, B. The tr
ansport entropy of a fluxoid, S-phi, estimated directly from the present me
asurements showed a small tail decreasing exponentially with increasing tem
perature, even above the mean-field critical temperature, T-c(B), whereas t
he existing theory predicted S-phi to become zero above T-c(B). Then the ex
pression for S-phi above Tc(B) was derived. The expression for the resistiv
ity around the temperatures of the resistive transition was also derived, i
ncluding the resistivity due to the flux flow. With the aid of these expres
sions, the observed Nernst coefficient was explained quantitatively by the
present theory. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.