Many of the launch systems that are used by the United States to send
payloads to orbit trace their heritage to military systems of the 1950
s and 1960s. Even with launch systems built on more recent technology,
the cost of placing a payload in orbit is thousands of dollars per po
und. To develop new customers with heretofore only dreamed-of missions
-tourism in space, power from the moon, etc.-the cast of placing a pay
load in orbit must be reduced by an order of magnitude or more. Since
the propulsion system is the cornerstone of a space transportation sys
tem, it has a major impact on the acquisition and operations costs. Im
provements in materials and in manufacturing technology are needed to
develop lightweight, high-strength materials for efficient and economi
c structures, thermal protection systems, tanks, etc. Operational cons
iderations, such as fewer vehicle elements to check out and to integra
te, have a significant impact on lowering launch costs and should be g
iven strong consideration in the choice of materials and propulsion sy
stems. Achievement of a substantially more maintainable and capable la
unch system is feasible. Benefits will be well worth the cost and risk