Recent studies in Caucasian populations have shown an association of the Le
iden mutation in factor V with preeclampsia (PE), It consists of a substitu
tion of a G (G1691) with an A (A1691) at nucleotide position 1691 in exon 1
0, resulting in arginine instead of glutamine at residue 506 at the factor
V cleavage site for activated protein C (APC); it contributes to the resist
ance to APC, The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Leiden
mutation is associated with pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), including
PE, in Japanese women. We examined the genotypes of factor V of 71 Japanes
e patients with PIH and 109 controls, None of the 180 Japanese women carrie
d the factor V Leiden mutation. To date, the factor V Leiden mutation is ra
re and not a common cause of PIH in Japan. The results may suggest that the
re is a significant ethnic difference in the role of the Leiden mutation in
compounding the risk factors in the pathogenesis of PIH between Japanese a
nd Caucasian populations.