Background: Spontaneous intestinal perforations mainly affect preterms with
in their first two weeks of life.
Pathogenesis: In contrast to the findings in necrotizing enterocolitis dema
rcations due to spontaneous perforations are sharply punched out of an othe
rwise vital bowel section. Pathophysiologic interactions currently are poor
ly understood. Arterial hypotension and vascular compromises seem to play a
crucial role in the development of spontaneous intestinal perforations.
Clinical aspects: Clinical characteristics are abdominal distension and gre
en-blue discolouration in association with a stable general condition. Inte
stinal perforations require surgical intervention in terms of primary anast
omosis or barrelled stoma, for instance. Spontaneous perforations carry fav
ourable prognosis with a rare chance of relapses.