This article has as objective the elaboration of a strategy for the communi
cation of the risk associated to the implantation of a technology for the p
urification of air contaminated by smalt toads of volatile organic compound
s, coming from industrial centres. Therefore, in the first place there is a
statement about main philosophycal orientations in relation with ethics, w
hich are the basis to prepare a programme of risk communication, followed b
y the general principles of risk management. Then, it is shown the developm
ent of a plan for risk communication and a diagram of the implication of et
hical principles In the frame of prevention of negative impacts in the mome
nt of the introduction of a new enviromental technology. Subsequently, it i
s shown in detail the plan for risk communication in case of preparing a tr
eatment of air purification through biofiltration. Finally, there will be e
xplained the main recommendations which must be considered by the risk comm
unicators and the guidelines to be followed when a biofiltration technique
of contaminated air and other additional enviromental technologies are expe
cted to be introduced.