The grant writing process can be daunting to a novice investigator. This ar
ticle focuses on three inter-related activities that lead to a completed gr
ant application. The first activity involves developing the research team.
Selection of colleagues who will strengthen and support the research ideas
is an early first step to developing a competitive grant application. It is
important to communicate clearly the roles and responsibilities of each te
am member. The second activity is development of the scientific plan-the re
search proposal-from specific aims to plans for data analysis. Strategies u
sed to review the literature, synthesize existing knowledge, develop the ar
gument for the research proposal, and select the most appropriate method ar
e discussed. The third activity involves developing a business plan-the bud
get-that demonstrates clearly the investigator's ability to complete the pr
oposed research. These three activities are set within a timeline to guide
investigators in successful completion of a grant application.