A persistent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak is potentially lethal, and surg
ical treatment is often required CSF leak repair is an infrequently perform
ed procedure, and only limited information is available on the long term su
ccess of the surgical techniques that are used. This retrospective chart re
view includes 95 patients who underwent various types of repair surgery for
CSF rhinorrhea at the Mayo Clinic. The purpose of this study was to extrac
t factors such as the choice of sealing material, etiology, location of def
ect(s), surgical approach, and previous procedures, and to analyze their as
sociation with the long term success and failure of surgical repair. The me
an time interval in this study between unsuccessful surgery and recurrence
was 50.8 months, and the mean follow-up 109 months. Among the various appro
aches, defects repaired endonasally had the lowest recurrence rate. Local n
asal mucosa advancement flaps failed more frequently (83.3% failure) than o
ther types of graft material (p = 0.023). These failures took place in a de
layed fashion (mean interval until failure: 80 months). Local osteo-mucoper
iosteal or chondro-mucoperichondrial flaps (22.2% recurrence rate) and free
graft material (15.6% recurrence rate) had the best outcome. The use of fi
brin glue to fixate free grafts did not improve the result in this series.
Transcranial procedures were associated with a higher complication rate tha
n extracranial procedures (12.9% versus 3.2%). Overall, successful repair w
as achieved in 91.6% of the patients. We discourage the use of mucosa advan
cement flaps and advocate free grafts or pedicled osteomucoperiosteal or ch
ondro-mucoperichondrial flaps as sealing material of choice in the majority
of cases. The occurrence of delayed failure has to be considered when eval
uating reports of CSF rhinorrhea after surgical repair.