Ventilator-associated pneumonia is common, difficult to diagnose, affects t
he most vulnerable of patients and carries a high mortality. During prolong
ed mechanical ventilation the oropharynx, sinuses, dentition and stomach of
critically ill patients become colonised with pathogenic bacteria. Colonis
ed secretions pool in the oropharynx and subglottic space. These secretions
repeatedly gain access to the lower airways by leakage past the tracheal t
ube cuff. If host defence mechanisms are overwhelmed, multiplication occurs
in the lower respiratory tract producing an inflammatory response in the b
ronchioles and alveoli. The inflammatory response is characterised by capil
lary congestion, leucocyte and macrophage infiltration and fibrinous exudat
ion into the alveolar spaces. If this inflammatory response occurs more tha
n 48 h after intubation, it is called ventilator-associated pneumonia. Prev
ention depends on reducing upper airway and gastrointestinal reservoirs of
bacteria, reducing or abolishing aspiration of these bacteria past the trac
heal tube cuff and enhancing bacterial clearance from the lower airways.