The numbering system used by A. A. Heller for his 1895 Hawaiian collections
has led to confusion regarding which specimens should be considered types.
As part of a larger study of Hawaiian angiosperm types we have examined ma
ny of Heller's specimens and analyzed their status as types. We present the
status of all specimens we have examined as well as those we are aware of
from the literature. We have also constructed itineraries for Heller's coll
ecting activities on his trip to the Hawaiian Islands on the islands of O'a
hu and Kaua'i. Nomenclatural notes are given for all angiosperm basionyms b
ased on Heller's Hawaiian collections. Lectotypifications are provided for
Cyperus hillebrandii Boeck. var. helleri Kuk., Cyrtandra gayana A. Heller,
Cyrtandra longifolia (Wawra) Hillebr. ex C. B. Clarke var. wahiawae A. Hell
er ex Rock, Euphorbia sparsiflora A. Heller, Isodendrion subsessilifolium A
. Heller, Lobelia tortuosa A. Heller, Nania tremuloides A. Heller, Pelea mi
crocarpa A. Heller, and Suttonia angustifolia Mez.