Purpose: Because the mouse lacks a typical Purkinje shift, we have examined
its light-adapted ERG to determine whether there was other evidence in add
ition to tolerance to background light, that could be used to identify cone
function in the ERG. Methods: Full field comeal ERGs to white flashes, dou
ble flashes and flash trains were examined in the presence of a strong full
field light adaptation and compared with the human cone ERG. Results: The
following cone-like properties could be identified. (1)The light-adapted mu
rine ERG increases in amplitude gradually during the first 10 minutes of li
ght-adaptation (2) It is capable of responding to a 50 Hz stimulus, althoug
h its overall frequency response is slower than that of the human cone ERG;
(3) A corneal positive d-wave occurs to the termination of a Bash train; (
4) The response increases linearly with light intensity. Conclusion: The li
ght adapted murine ERG has several properties of cones but it has a slower
response than the human cone ERG.