Records of Polistes nimpha (Christ, 1791) (P. opinabilis Kohl, 1898) from F
inland, Russian Karelia, the Baltic countries and some adjacent areas, thos
e of P. biglumis (L. 1758) from Scandinavia and those of P. dominulus (Chri
st, 1791) (P. gallicus auct.) from the Baltic countries are mapped. The dis
tribution of P. biglumis is boreomontane; in Scandinavia the range is disju
nct and recent nesting records in the province of Norrbotten in Sweden (abo
ut 66 degrees N) are the northernmost of all Polistes species in the world.
The northern habitats of P. biglumis in Sweden are open areas of stony gro
und about 150 m above sea level. The stones store insolating warmth and the
microclimatic conditions are suitable for development of the brood on open
combs. P. dominulus is expanding its range northwards in Europe. Nomenclat
ure, colour variation and diagnostic characters of the three Polistes speci
es are treated.