The use of routine antibiotic therapy in patients undergoing surgical third
molar extraction is controversial. The efficacy of antibiotic therapy in p
reventing postoperative complications following surgical third molar extrac
tions was evaluated in 141 patients. In the test group (66 patients), the p
rotocol utilized a regimen of 2 g of amoxicillin orally daily for 5 d posto
peratively, starting at the completion of surgery. In the control group (75
patients), no antibiotic therapy was given. No significant difference was
found between the test group and the control group in the incidence of post
operative sequelae, i.e. fever, pain, swelling and alveolar osteitis. A sta
tistically significant association between smoking, habitual drinking and i
ncreased postoperative pain and fever was found. Patient age greater than o
r equal to 18 yr was positively correlated with an increased incidence of a
lveolar osteitis. Swelling was found to be gender-related, in that female p
atients experienced more swelling than male patients. No correlation was fo
und between the time required for surgery or difficulty of extraction and p
ost-operative pain. In conclusion, no difference was found between patients
receiving postoperative amoxicillin and the control group in the incidence
of postoperative sequelae.