William Logan wrote the first history of the Geological Survey of (the Prov
ince) of Canada in 1850. It was published, anonymously, in a non-geological
venue, Scobie's Canadian Almanac for the year 1851. Because of its publica
tion venue, the "history" seems unknown to geological literature. In the hi
story Logan presented a public case for the economic value of geological su
rveys, to a political, commercial and public audience in Canada, while not
appearing to meddle in the political process of the day. Included was a "Ca
talogue of Economic Minerals of Canada" bearing Logan's name, and which he
used to plan the successful Canadian contribution to the 1851 Industry Exhi
bition, held in London. The history and the Catalogue texts, and their uses
, show that Logan was a master in generating public awareness of the benefi
ts of geological surveys in Canada, and of the economic potential of Canada
's mineral resources abroad.