Two experiments involving Brangus and Hereford x Brangus cows (3 to 10 yr)
were conducted at four locations in western Texas to determine the effects
of supplemental feeding interval on serum urea nitrogen (SUN) patterns, int
ake of supplement and forage, and winter changes in live body weight and co
ndition score. Treatments were control (Control; no supplemental feed) and
the equivalent of .91 kg/d of cottonseed meal (CSM) fed daily (Daily), thre
e times per week (3T/WK), or one time per week (WK). At each location, one
pasture group was given all four treatments (four cows/treatment) using Cal
an gates. In Exp. 1, conducted in 1994-95, blood samples were obtained for
determining SUN during the last week of the study. Experiment 2, conducted
in 1995-96, included both an individually fed herd and four additional herd
s at each location that were group-fed the four treatments. Experiment 2 in
cluded estimates of intakes of both CSM and forage in both individually fed
and group-fed herds. A bolus containing chromium (Cr-bolus) was used to es
timate fecal output in the individually fed cows. A double marker technique
was used to determine total (Cr-bolus) and CSM (Yb) intakes in the group-f
ed cows. Data included initial and final cow weights and condition scores (
Exp. I and 2), SUN patterns (Exp. 1), and supplement, forage, and total int
akes (Exp. 2). Feeding CSM to range cows increased SUN concentrations (Exp.
I), reduced losses in live body weight and body condition score (Exp. I an
d 2), and tended to decrease forage intake by the approximate amount of the
supplement (Exp. 2). Generally, providing supplement as frequently as once
per week reduced losses in Live body weight and body condition score compa
red with control and was as effective as once daily supplementation. For th
e group-fed cows, supplement intake, forage intake, and live body weight ch
ange were more variable within groups with once daily feeding than when sup
plement was fed less frequently. These data indicate that feeding as infreq
uently as one time per week can be effective nutrition management for adult
cows grazing native range.