The detection of signals in noise is important for understanding bath
the mechanisms of hearing and how the auditory system functions under
more natural conditions. In humans, the auditory system gains some imp
rovement if the signal and noise are separated in space (binaural mask
ing release). Birds with small heads are at a disadvantage in separati
ng noise and signal sources relative to large mammals, because interau
ral time differences are much smaller. Two binaural phenomena in budge
rigars related to the detection of tones in noise were examined. Budge
rigars show 8 dB of free-field binaural masking release when signal an
d noise are presented to their right side and correlated noise is pres
ented to their left side. Budgerigars also show a spatial masking rele
ase of 9 dB when a signal and noise are separated in azimuth by 90 deg
rees. These results are similar to those found in humans and other mam
mals with much larger heads.