Nest construction is an extremely widespread behaviour. III small endotherm
s the nest serves primarily to provide insulation, and thereby retard heat
loss of the constructor, of its offspring. In arctic and temperate regions
many small mammals build nests to protect themselves from low ambient tempe
ratures. We measured the physical properties of nests built by short-tailed
field voles Microtus agrestis that were kept in captivity under cold condi
tions. The most important factor influencing nest insulation was nest wall
thickness; however, nests with thick walls also contained more nesting mate
rial. Insulative capacity of the nest did not reach an asymptote up to nest
s containing 20 g of material. Nest insulation was not correlated with rest
ing metabolic rate, body mass or body composition of the vole that construc
ted the nest. However, nests built by males had greater insulation than tho
se made by females; males also had significantly lower food intake rates wh
en compared to females with nests. No significant difference was observed i
n either fat mass or whole animal thermal conductance between males and fem
ales. Thermal conductance did increase significantly with increasing body m
ass, although not with resting metabolic rate. Voles with nests for prolong
ed periods had lower food intakes than voles without nests. The absolute sa
ving averaged 1.9 g and was independent of body mass. This was a 28 % savin
g on intake for a 22-g vole but only an 18% saving for a 40-g individual. W
hen voles had nests for short periods they used the energy they saved to re
duce food intake and increase body mass.