The distribution of flow within conductive joint sets is influenced by the
geometric arrangement of joints and the hydraulic properties of both joints
and matrix. We use finite element simulations with an equivalent porous me
dia joint representation to understand the distribution of flow through joi
nts and porous matrix. Isolated joints in a porous media create characteris
tic flow perturbations in the matrix with reduced fluid potentials near the
upstream joint tip, elevated potentials near the downstream tip, and flow
shadows adjacent to the joint. In more complex joint systems, flow in any g
iven joint is influenced by its proximity to other joints, resulting in cha
racteristic enhancement or reduction of flow velocities. The permeability r
atio (equivalent joint permeability divided by matrix permeability) plays a
major role in determining the distribution of flow within complex joint sy
stems. When the permeability ratio is <3.0 orders of magnitude, all joints
are indirectly connected to the flow system through the matrix. As joint co
nductivity increases, flow becomes increasingly localized into directly con
nected joints. When the permeability ratio exceeds 6.5 orders of magnitude,
significant flow occurs only in the directly connected joints. We compare
these numerical results with field observations from an ancient reactive fl
ow system now exposed at the Earth's surface. In the field, 32% of joints a
re associated with chemically altered halos. By explicitly representing map
ped joint distributions in numerical simulations, we estimate that 32% of t
he joints would conduct significant volumes of fluid if joint permeability
is 5 orders of magnitude greater than the matrix permeability. This corresp
onds to an insitu joint aperture of 2.3 mm, closely resembling the 1.8-mm a
verage joint aperture measured on the present-day outcrop.