Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability amo
ng persons in the United States. Each year, an estimated 1.5 million,Americ
ans sustain a TBI. As a result of these injuries, 50,000 people die, 230,00
0 people are hospitalized and sun ive, and an estimated 80,000-90,000 peopl
e experience the onset of long-term disability. Rates of TBI-related hospit
alization have declined nearly 50% since 1980, a phenomenon that may be att
ributed, in part, to successes in injury prevention and also to changes in
hospital admission practices that shift the care of persons with less sever
e TBI from inpatient to outpatient settings. The magnitude of TBI in the Un
ited States requires public health measures to prevent these injuries and t
o improve their consequences. State surveillance systems can provide reliab
le data on injury causes and risk factors, identify trends in TBI incidence
, enable the development of cause-specific prevention strategies focused on
populations at greatest risk, and monitor the effectiveness of such progra
ms. State follow-up registries, built on surveillance systems, can provide
more information regarding the frequency and nature of disabilities associa
ted with TBI. This information can help states and communities to design, i
mplement, and evaluate cost-effective programs for people living with TBI a
nd for their families, addressing acute care, rehabilitation, and vocationa
l, school, and community support.