A new interpretation of neutron reflectivity data for surfactants adsorbed
on hydrophilic solid surfaces has been developed. Motivated by recent atomi
c force microscopy results, a model of the adsorbed layer is constructed ba
sed upon an adsorbed layer consisting of discrete, micelle-like surfactant
aggregates of well-defined geometries. Scattering length density profiles a
nd reflectivity curves are calculated for conventional, laterally unstructu
red adsorbed layers (a bilayer), as well as for cylindrical and spherical s
urfactant aggregates adsorbed on a hydrophilic surface. It is shown that tr
eating such structured surfactant films as bilayers often results in a good
fit to neutron reflectivity data, but that fit parameters lead one to unde
restimate the film thickness and overestimate the fractional surface covera
ge by the adsorbed film.