Angiogenesis plays a key role in the development of malignant tumors. To cl
arify the roles of cyclooxygenase (COX) in malignant tumor development and
angiogenesis, we investigated the effects of COX inhibitors on two kinds of
gastrointestinal cancer xenograft, one of which overexpresses COX-2 and th
e other expresses no COX, in nude mice in vivo. There was a positive correl
ation between tumor volume and angiogenesis within the xenograft. Oral admi
nistration with a specific COX-2 or a nonspecific COX inhibitors lowered th
e expression of potent angiogenic factors; vascular endothelial growth fact
or and basic fibroblast growth factor, reduced angiogenesis and growth, ind
uced apoptosis, and suppressed cell replication of the COX-2 overexpressing
cancer xenografts in a dose-dependent manner. A nonspecific COX inhibitor,
not a specific COX-2 inhibitor, reduced growth and angiogenesis of non-COX
expressing cancer xenograft by inhibition of COX-I in vascular endothelial
cells. These results demonstrate that COX inhibitors suppress angiogenesis
and tumor growth by inhibiting expression of angiogenic factors and vascul
ar endothelial cell growth. They support the hypothesis that COX plays an i
mportant role in cancer growth via angiogenesis. These findings offer a new
strategy against cancer using COX inhibitors (nonsteroidal anti-inflammato
ry drugs).