A rare episode of regeneration of aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) by see
ds occurred in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), Wyoming, USA, following ext
ensive fires that occurred in 1988. In 1997, we sampled 410 aspen seedlings
from 23 local populations distributed widely across YNP to determine how g
enetic diversity varies with elevation, substrate, plant competition, ungul
ate browsing, and geographical location. We employed 132 randomly amplified
polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers based on six primers to show genetic relati
onships within and among the postfire aspen seedling populations. Measures
of genetic variation, including estimates of percentage polymorphic loci, e
xpected heterozygosity, and Nei's Fs,, indicated that most of the variation
occurred within rather than among local populations. There was no indicati
on of geographical differentiation among sampled populations based on hiera
rchal estimates of Nei's Fs, neighbour-joining, or correlations between gen
etic distance and geographical distance. Even genetically distant populatio
ns shared nearly 90% of the same markers. Within plots, the amount of genet
ic variation decreased slightly in response to increased percentage vegetat
ive cover, mean seedling basal diameter, and mean seedling height. Geologic
al substrate, density of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Doug
l.) seedlings, browsing intensity, and elevation were not significantly rel
ated to levels of genetic variation within the seedling plots. These data s
uggest mat genetic variation and geographical structure among seedling popu
lations may occur over time as the transition from seedling-dominated stand
s to clone-dominated stands occurs.